Snow Effect

Monday, July 12, 2010

Let's Help the Homeless

This summer my sister and I are going to help the homeless people that we see at the busy intersections. We are going to give them things like:

A sandwich or beenie weenies
bottled water
a cookie
a spoon
and gum

You should help them to. It's not fair that they have to go through this because a stupid slip of paper. So we should use our stupid slips of paper to help Them.


Rebecca G. said...

It's true it is just a stupid piece of paper. I once said to someone "You realize money is just special pieces of paper?"

Unknown said...

2 questions r u talking about homeless dogs or people? and when u say little slips of paper u do mean money right?

becc said...

i think shes talking about homeless people. but we should help the homeless animals too!

Aunt Leigh said...

These are great ideas. I would try to hand out low sugar items (no candy) since homeless people probably do not brush as often as needed and probably do not have access to regular dental care. I have been trying to remember to put supplies in my car so I will have something to give out when I stop at the "Five Points" intersection. I was thinking about milk boxes but I like the beanie weanie idea too. You all are probably reminded a lot about homelessness at that intersection and at Cloverdale and Miller St. I am heartened by the many homeless shelters and cafeterias Winston Salem has. Maybe you should pick one and volunteer one meal a month/quarterly/annually? It could be a way for you to feel like you are making a difference. I did that in high school and would like to do it again. You show a lot of caring about others, animals and the world in your blog. Kudos to you for wanting to make a difference!