Snow Effect

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Eighth Grade

That amazing year when being the "top dogs" actually means something to you, and the magical time where you wonder if you were that short as a sixth grader. Everything is different, as people are finally growing into their age, and you start getting better at sports. Everything is fun for the first few days, when you realize you're in the same classes as all of your friends and that you have all the best teachers...But them someone drops the bomb: You had Spanish homework. I'm just messing. 8th grade is really a magical time for middle schoolers, and I've learned it can be nerve-wracking and stressful- and I've also learned that those two words mean exactly the same thing. I needed help- and still do- getting through eighth grade with all the drama (or lack of)and so I figured I would do this: A School Survival Guide. I'll put whatever I learn here so that maybe people can learn from my mistakes. Maybe. So far I've learned that the first few days are vital- So don't miss those. IF you do, then try to catch up; learn everyone's name, kiss up to your teachers, ask for missing assignments, etc. And never forget to turn things in! The zeros will kill you! I know, I know, I sound like your teacher, but they're right- Trust me, I know. I had all those zeros once....And it wasn't pretty. Secondly, you might want to practice for that playing test in band, or take another look at those lyrics for chorus, or that one recipe that's been bothering you in life skills- Don't you want to nail things the first time so you aren't shamed when you fail? If you learn and practice, you won't have to fail. (I hate failing, it sucks. People in band class are rude and they laugh. Don't fail.) If somthing's bothering you, talk about it! To a friend, a parent, a teacher, a pet, anyone! I garuntee you're not the only one with the problem. Maybe a teacher's going too fast and you don't understand- Just say so! I've had a tough time this year because all of my friends are on other teams. I always thought it was really hard for me to meet and make new friends, but turns out it's really not! It was all in my head and I was my own worst enemy, keeping myself from making new friends. Appearently there were a couple people out there, just waiting to say hello. I'm sure there are people for you to meet all around you, all you have to do is say hi! You're not alone! In closure, I'd just like to say that just because eighth grade is different, maybe "bigger", than sixth or seventh grade doesn't mean you have to be afraid of it. If something's bothering you, don't let it get to you, take it down! Things'll get better as time goes on, I promise.

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